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23 February 2008

WOW Wot a Pally!

Every one who truly knows me know that I get bored of something very easily and it is no different in WOW. I got bored of my hunter because it was too easy, got bored of my shaman because I played her too much and in fact geared her up the fastest amongst all my characters, and I haven't gotten the urge to gear up my priest. So I thought why not get the paladin some honour for some piece upgrade. The paladin has not been played for ages! James plays the paladin far better than me, of course. We leveled up together, my hunter and his paladin, and we never attack horde unless they attack us first, and even if it was Tonymontana, we still could have killed him, together of course as he had Naxx epics then back in Daggerspine. (But he actually only have killed me once in Feralas when I was AFK) Man, those days.. I remember leveling up in the Outland for the first couple of levels, this level 70 warlock attacked us, probably thinking he was gonna own our asses. But as the battle ended in good old Hellfire, I was level 63 and James was 62 (he's a slacker), I was on full life and so was James. We later on realised that we might have killed the lock's alt (who also attacked us first). He should be ashamed. I wish I could have Fraps that, would have been cool. I wonder, did that lock think we were weaklings just cos we weren't in a guild at that time? We had BWL and AQ40 epics, and we, especially James has epic skills! There was another lock in fact, also in Hellfire, who dared attacked us at level 61 and 62, he dotted us both, but being MM hunter, I took his life down to half in one shot, and he went running for the hills. I could go on for ages. I think among our three WOW accounts, the paladin is the most enjoyable to play in BGs. Pre-TBC, I have played her on BGs many times to get exalted with Stormpike to get the epic ring and the ever so popular Unstoppable Force. The survivability is absolutely amazing. I could even tank Galv and Drek LOL. The only task is picking a good pro-DPS to heal, locks and hunters are on top of my list. If I see an epic MS warrior, I go for that though. I used to be an MS warrior, off-tanking in 40-man raids... Can't do that now haha.
I have been doing AVs and some WSGs whilst waiting for AV to pop, 24 hours later, I got 33k honour. I have 12 hours to get that up to 50, then James could go to CH and go shopping :-)
I can't wait for the expansion. There is no better experience in WOW than leveling up with James, and watching him wait patiently whilst I fish floating wreckages. They are so fun! You never know what you will get! I made a promise though, not to get bored of raiding too soon because James is the best healer not only in BGs but in raids as well, and he doesn't like PVP much at all, he likes to raid. But tbh, James and I would rather not be playing WOW any more when the expansion comes out. RL pawns all, even WOW.

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By foxyallen at 2008-02-23

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