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29 October 2008

The Hunter that is Foxychick

She was my main for quite a time, until I made a shaman when the expansion (TBC) came out. Soon after, I got bored of Elèctra and started levelling up the priest from 60-70. Shadow spec bored me to death so I went holy and enjoyed that more until, without knowing it, Jamesav has become my new main! But... my Foxychick still roX (really surprised, but she will always be my main I guess. I will level her up first when WoTLK comes out in 3 weeks)

I have just uploaded the reception bits of my wedding video so for those who have not seen it (and want to), you may just click on the PHOTO GALLERY tab on top of this page. Alternatively, you may go on my YouTube channel.


27 October 2008

by: Vei
1:12AM / 5:11PM

I can't believe how fast time dashes by
I didn't even see the sun before it has set
Look at us now and how far we've swam against the tide
After what seems to be only days since we've met

So many things have changed and yet they're still the same
Your smile still says I am the best thing in your life
I couldn't even remember the way we came
But I don't worry because you're always beside me in every stride.

We walked together in the summer days and enjoyed the sun
We laughed until we couldn't breathe anymore
In the cold nights that followed, our strong bond is still next to none
You were always there even when we didn't know what this life is lived for.

Could I really say I've left home for you?
Sometimes I'm not quite sure
You have been my home for a time now
And my heart beats inside yours
And I realise that it is with you
That I feel safe and sheltered from whatever storm
You love me body and soul and the flawed heart I don't dare show
And for all of the many reasons, yes YOU are my home.

13 October 2008

A Poem


By Vei

4:38AM home time

I never knew how much I loved you

Until I left

I never realized what it was all for

The pain you felt

I couldn’t wait to leave you

It was a mistake

Now here I am longing for you

But you think it’s fake.

I always saw your flaws

Never the best

I chose to look at the worst

And compare you with the rest

You had everything and more

And I miss you

You loved me and I left you

Now I can’t go back.

I see your open arms

Ready for me

But the seas in between us

Makes an impossibility

I can only admire you from here

And love your from afar

Now I know it is true what they say, I believe

That there is no place like home, indeed.

02 October 2008

I <3 central heating!

I forgot to mention that the central heating and the fire in the lounge were both on tonight! I was wondering why it was quite warm as soon as I entered the house when I came in tonight. I thought it was only because it was really cold outside that anywhere sheltered would be warm. When I entered the lounge to switch the wireless internet on, I felt the fire emitting precious warmth and I joked Chris about him saying a couple of weeks ago that the heating is not coming on until another month at least. We had a good giggle.

English Diaries Continues...

I had another long day at Pitman Training Centre today, being a Thursday when they are open until 8PM. But I left an hour earlier than usual making sure I do not miss my bus because it only comes quarter past the hour, every hour after 6. I was the first one there again, and as I feared I was asked by people what time the bus comes and tonight this old chap who obviously had quite a bit to drink asked me if the bus to Staveley comes to that stop, and I said yes. I actually know the answer to their questions now, I'm quite proud. And then he tried making small talk as he began asking me if I live in Staveley, I said no and then looked away and pretended to be looking out for the bus. He was not being rude or scary like my experience a couple of weeks ago where I had to walk away from the bus stop and stood in front of Subway (about 12ft away from the stop). I have a real heard time seeing the bus numbers even when they are well lit-up. I rely on the time and people saying "here's the bus" or "77 finally" because for some reason most buses go 'Out of Service' in the evening. It was really cold out there tonight. I saw several people wearing their hats + gloves + scarf, and I was not the only one shivering at the bus stop tonight! There was this woman who was shaking so much and somehow this scene makes me feel better. Not because she is suffering but because it validates the fact that I am not being a big baby. When the wind blows on my face, it feels like submerging my entire head into a tub of ice cubes! I am NOT exaggerating. I miss having the wind blow upon my face and smiling as that has always been the case until I got in England. I used to love it windy days because back home, it cools me down and I can actually savour it. But here, I always pray for it to stop even just for five seconds so I can get my breath back. I must be making it sound so much worse than it is, but I guess it just takes time to get used to. I have always complained about the heat back home anyway. I wish I were somewhere in between though, would be nice : -)

My day at Pitman was boring. Access 2003 is a completely unfamiliar territory to me. I have never used it, never been interested, and to be honest never really knew about it until I read it on some requirements on some job vacancies published on The Derbyshire Times etc. So I have decided to study it as first of my two electives in my Diploma Course, as it is widely used here in business offices. So far, it has been doing my head in. I don't know if it's just because I'm not really interested in it, or that I have stuff on my mind just at the moment and I find it rather impossible to concentrate. Probably a bit f both. Anyway, I will hopefully be in a better shape on Monday to fully understand Access.

The highlight of my day was right at the start actually. Whilst waiting for my bus, this old lady who was walking her Yorkshire terrier walked past me. But the little dog stopped and sniffed me and just won't move along no matter how hard the old lady pulled the lead. I smiled to assure her that I did not mind at all. She smiled back and said the dog just wants to be touched so I bent down and petted the little cute thing. I admitted to the stranger that I love dogs and she said, still with a smile "better than most people". And then they moved on and my bus arrived. How I have missed touching little fury things! It was good that the dog had been a Yorkshire Terrier though and not a Rot. I would have probably been a little less more eager. I wore my new coat today as my everyday snugly one has been washed and has not completely dried up yet and realised I need a longer gloves to go with it as it does not have full long sleeves, but that does not make it any less gorgeous! To top it all, it came in my size! UK-4! I have not seen any size 4 in the shops here and Sheffield so I had to make do with size 6. James and I got it from Top Shop and I wished Topshops in the town sold size 4 clothes. It really is frustrating when I see something I like and they only come in size 8+. I suppose it saves us a lot of money in the end ^_^

Anyways, it's now 9:40PM and I have soaps to watch. may have been useless to me now since all the ABS-CBN's programmes has been deleted from the site, but I found another one and it's actually better, if not a little slow on the uploading. I've only had a tin of tuna and one finger roll today, and two cups of coffee, all at 11AM this morning but I am not hungry at all. I have pigged out in Norwich, KFC and room services so I think I need to shed all 2lbs I have put on! I like being a size 4... although I sometimes envy fat people who do not seem to feel the cold... I wonder how warm it is under all that blubber. Not that I ever want to find out for myself :D

01 October 2008

Norwich and Great Yarmouth Experience

It's a lazy Wednesday afternoon, the last day of the holiday James booked off work. It's grey and raining outside, and the fire is on (until the parents come home) and James and I are just having a rest from our 3-day holiday in Norwich and Great Yarmouth. It i s also the first day of October, which in my family is a very busy month of the year indeed.

We got home last night at around 8PM and whilst waiting for tea to cook, I thought I'd check my email. There was one from my mother and one from my best friend Sarah. There were some annoying news but I don't let myself get annoyed by 'old news' anymore. Instead, I try to do something about it and get it out of the way. That is exactly what I have done today. I think everything should be moderated, and if one is not responsible enough to take things in moderation, they should lose the opportunity they are given. I did it to help my sister because I don't think there is anyone else apart from me and my mother who would care for her in an unconditional way. I feel quite relieved now. I don't feel guilty like the first two times I did it because I know in my heart that I have given him the chance to prove that he can still be responsible and just appreciate a free WOW, which costs £9 a month to play. So today, I have cancelled one of our three WOW accounts, which James and I have not been playing for years since we have our two main ones. We've continued paying for it and kept it open but apparently it has been causing problems so we've decided to cancel the account completely. WOW should never be put first before REAL LIFE. Nobody in the World of Warcraft will be there for you when times get rough. I can't imagine forgetting my responsibilities as a wife because of a silly game. I am disappointed that I have helped caused some troubles, but hopefully it will all be sorted now.

Anyway, on the bright side of things, I had an amazing time in Norwich and Great Yarmouth. The weather was not so bad, in fact we had some sunny spells. Here are some photos!