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21 March 2010


Look at me I'm twenty five
I'm on top of the mountain
I'm touching the sky
I look out the window
and see people looking in
Wishing they had a life like mine.
But when the lights go off
and I'm alone in the dark
They don't see the smile fade
Nobody ever sees
Beyond the colourful parade.
I'm living the dream
that you read in fairytales
when you were a little girl
But you're not so little now
And you should know better
There's no such thing as perfect
but a perfect charade.

-Viv 21.03.10

03 March 2010

My second visit to Central London




Grats to moi!

I am absolutely chuffed today after finding out I have passed the Life in the UK Citizenship Test. Yesterday, I have crammed for six hours and did several practice online (non-official) tests and passed most of them. I was never one for thorough reading and even more thorough revisions aftwerward. I know cramming is not a healthy way to learn and get through exams but, what the hell, it has always worked for me and it has not failed me on this one, especially. It's a shame they don't give you the test paper for you to see which ones you got right or wrong. I'm almost certain I only got one question wrong, even though you can afford to have up to six wrong answers out of the 24 questions. I have almost forgotten how exciting it is to do revisions and the anxiety that comes with finding out the result of the test... I am absolutely ecstatic!

UPDATES: My driving instructor extended his holiday in Australia so I'm afraid I won't have my next lessons until after the 8th! Big big bummer!!

The WoW Twit

Some idiot told me to act like an adult. Seriously. Does he mean like him?
Someone who drinks England dry whenever possible and when the pubs are closed, he plays WoW. I would rather be a child forever if that is the definition of being an adult.