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04 March 2007

Sad girl.

We were taking a break yesterday from just having done 2 instances. I was sat down outside the inn, and I was sorting out my bags when I moused over a funny name on my map (I had track humanoids still up). I pinged it so that James could see and since it was inside the inn, we went in and laughed our arses off! The name was "Haris Pilton", I thought she'd be the dancer/entertainer inside the inn but she was just standing there beside the dancer. James and I agreed that Blizzard was tempted. Would have been a better laugh. Blizz even gave her a man's name ha! ha! What an insult to the high elves!

I don't hate Paris Hilton, but James does. I always tease him that maybe he just fancies Paris and can't have her, it annoys him =p Then again, I think she'd go for just about anyone who likes her, for 99% of the time, she's probably too drugged up. Sad girl.

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