Foxy and Vivien have been level 80 for quite some time now after the release of WOW: WoTLK. After being loyal to MM spec for 2.5 years, I decided to try BM spec if only for the exotic pet because I really think the core hounds look cool and they remind me of MC days! But of course, I chose The Kurzen because I don't like red and even worse, green. And now, as per usual Blizzard decides they changed their mind and they nerf hunters, particularly BM hunters. To be honest, I don't think that hunters are OP in pve. They have always been amongst the top 5 (even coming first in many situations I've been in) of any raid damage meters even in TBC. (I can't speak pre-TBC because I raided as a warrior then) Simply put, hunters can deal good damage even when in blues and green gear. But the damage does not change dramatically when the epics start flowing. If one observes carefully now, ret paladins and balance druids alike are catching up on hunters DpS in raids because they have had the time and chance to gear up. In my humble opinion, hunters are not OP. It is just the initial shock of how much damage a hunter can deal in average gear what got people QQng . Put an equally skilled ret paladin and balance druid in the raid with equivalent epic gear as the hunter and I promise you they may even beat the hunter's DpS, on a single-target basis. Stuff the AoE bit, nobody cried when the mages did so much on the stairs to Moroes in Kara, did they? And yes, OK so we spam Steady Shot, but hang on a minute, don't mages spam frostbolt and shamans lightning bolt ?(the occassional pause for a shock is similar to hunters pausing for a sting) To be honest, I enjoy playing a MM hunter because it's more challenging. There is more choices of shot and shot rotation as well. And damn that chimera shot was brill. I will be MM again most probably when I have time to waste re-speccing :P I want to level up my priest now. I just need the time and the urge (but mining and prospecting is so much fun!) to actually do it. So far I have not done well as she is only level 73. Yes, it's a she character now. I changed the gender to female and the name from Jamesav to Sapphire to match her new looks! I have always been holy in raids because I just love to heal, (if I want to do dps I'll log on my hunter and if I want to be support class, I will log on my shaman) but guess what? Blizz nerfing CoH! Sometimes I wonder why I still play this game. I don't understand what PTRs are for, they change their minds about everything anyway. I enjoy reading WOW books than actually playing WOW. At least Chris Metzen did not change his mind all the time.
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