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24 June 2010

I love Facebook. It allows me to do a lot of things - share photos with my family and friends, let them know what's inside my head and my heart. I also love reading people's thoughts through their status - some warms my heart, some makes me smile, some makes me laugh and some makes me wish I had not bothered reading.

Another thing I love about Facebook is that it allows me to connect with my friends' friends. Some people may have overlooked this, but it actually lets you know your friends a little bit more through their friends. Overtime I have been getting friend requests from my friend Kaye's friends. I have ignored them all - repeatedly. Some people just don't get it.
Recently though, I had a wicked idea. I will accept some of them if I get any more to see if I will learn something about my friend through them. Who knows, we might actually become friends, too.

I accepted a couple and it wasn't long before I deleted one and moved one to my 'Unknown List' who sees nothing of my profile. I will tell you why I didn't delete both later.
I rarely go online on FB chat simply because I am not there to chat. But one time I made myself visible on FB chat, one of Kaye's mate messaged me and kept typing away even though I have not said anything back. The things he said mainly were compliments but I find it really RUDE when people, especially those who you're not really close with. IMs you and not bother (at the very least) saying 'hello'. And that same person commented on a photo a couple of days later saying: "hay naku, don't you feeed your asawa". My impulsive reaction was to write: "don't you ever stop eating?" but I restrained myself and hit the 'delete' button instead and move him to my 'Unknown' group. I will decide later whether to post something on his wall.
The other friend request I got and accepted was from a girl who also spoke to me on FB chat and asked me if Kaye lived near me. I was confused to start with but I said that Kaye is not in the UK yet (at the time) and has never been as far as I know. Obviously Kaye has been telling the same lies she told me, Sarah and Karen. A year before she actually got her visa to the UK she had told us that she had been to England before which is a load of bollocks as she wouldn't have been having the problems she had if she had acquired a visa to enter the UK before. In an older post, I think I have written about Kaye's mum blurting out to Sarah, Karen and I that she is having problems with her visa because she is not married. We, of course, being ever so polite, downplayed it as we have all been told by Kaye that she had been married for a year at that point in time. You wouldn't believe the latest lie she told is being with her husband for 8 years this June! Karen and I didn't know how to react to that as we both know thta 8 years ago, we were still working in Clarkton and Kaye had a boyfriend who never bothered to pick her up from work even on a Christmas Eve. And Karen has been married for 8 years so it was a no-brainer spotting that lie. I have no idea how someone can lie on their status knowing one's friends know the truth. If you live your life telling so many lies how can you ever be happy? I don't know, I'm just glad that it's not me in her shoes. Anyway, I decided to delete that girl because she tagged me in so many of her photos and she was just plain nuisance.

Just because I am friends with Kaye who worked in dancing bars including Mirrors Club in Clarkton (she was transfered to the dancing bar when they closed the Karaoke Bar just abit after I got sacked there for taking on a dare... don't ask, I was 17 and still a bit rebellious LOL), doesn't mean I am anything like her. Nor does it mean that I will look down on her just because she did. Of course that is probably what she thinks hence she makes up stories about her.
She had been a little better now since coming to the UK. She is slowly coming to her senses and perhaps seeing where she really stand in life. I hope the time will come when she will realise that it is better to be grateful for the things that she is blessed with rather than wanting to cover the flaws with lies. I know that one day she will grow to realise that when all the excitement of learning a lot of new things all at once pass, she will be a really good person because she has shown me, some nine years ago, that she could be a really good friend. And I have just realised myself that she hasn't really changed, she is just going through a phase and I will stick around until she is over that phase. That is what grown up friends do, after all. I don't care what she did for a living because through it she was able to help her family and build a better life for herself and her son. I suppose every one of us, to a certain point, make ourselves believe of things that we wish happened and for a minute we tend to live in that lie. Somehow it makes us stronger again when we face reality and that is not such a bad thing as long as you're not hurting other people in the process.

And finally, my verdict on her friends? well that is the last of them I will add. They treat me like they treat Kaye especially that idiot called Jason Fawcus who is so ignorant he probably thinks all of Kaye's friends are or were prostitutes too. But the bottom line is, Kaye isn't a prostitute anymore so she shouldn't be friends with people who treat her like dirt. I guess she is always eager to please people and again, there is nothing wrong with that but I think she should be treated better or at least her friends, should be treated with respect. And I have decided to delete him instead of giving him the satisfaction of giving him even just a second of my time. I have but one last thing to say. Who is worse off, the girls who are just trying to earn a little bit more money for their families or the punters who travel thousands of miles just to pay for those girls to have sex with them? It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.

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